Synergy Group offers you a flexible, streamlined, cost effective approach. Unlike many company formation groups, we are unbiased and listen to your business needs. We create the right solution for you based on your situation.
Our team of professionals with extensive expertise in business setup and corporate structuring are on hand day and night. New market entrants can focus on their business plan, while we clear a path with streamlined license, visa and government liaison services.

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Does our company need a local sponsor?
If you have a mainland company, then you will require a UAE national to act as either a 51% shareholder in the case of an LLC, or as a National Service Agent in the case of a professional company.
For most incorporation options an office or office facility is required. For mainland companies, the office can be located anywhere within the Emirate of incorporation. In the case of an instant license, an office is not required until the company wishes to issue visas.
For Free Zone companies, there has to be an office within the Free Zone. Most Free Zones offer hot desk facilities that can be used for the registration.
Do we have to have an office?
How many visas can we have?
Visa allowance is linked to the size of the office as well as the designation of the staff. Typically 80sqft of office space per visa is the standard.
How long does it take to incorporate?
Incorporation time depends on the jurisdiction and the structure of a company. Mainland incorporations can be completed in one to two working weeks provided all of the relevant documentation is in place.
Some Free Zones can take longer depending on their own internal KYC and registration processes.
Is there a minimum share capital required for the incorporation?
Share capital requirements depend on the jurisdiction. For most mainland companies there are no minimum capital required, however some restricted activities require one.
Most Free Zones do not require a minimum share capital with the exception of some of the more established authorities, such as DMCC, which requires AED 50,000 paid up capital to be deposited prior to the license issuing.