Our new website is now live! Synergy decided to revamp the existing site into a sleeker, streamlined design. With user experience in mind, we condensed our site so the information our visitors need is just a click away.

We are proud to announce our new #website is now live at www.synergy-gulf.com. To improve our user experience, visitors can now book a consultation, download useful information factsheets and learn about what we do in a streamlined way. Enabling our customers to find the #companyformation information they need in just one click.
Visit our new site now at www.synergy-gulf.com to learn more about our bespoke services.
Interested in Company Formation in the UAE?
Synergy Gulf prides itself on providing impartial, efficient and exceptional service levels to ensure secure structures that match clients’ exact requirements are delivered quickly and efficiently. We specialise in the following service areas:
Company Formation in the GCC
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Free Zone Entity
Branch Office
Representative Trade Office
Commercial Agency
Professional Service License
Government/PRO services
Initial Approvals
Company Licensing
Labour Department Registration
Immigration Departure Procedures
Partner Visa
Identity Cards
Staff & Family Visas
Maids Visa
Local Partnership Services
One of the most frequently incorporated commercial entities in the UAE is a Limited Liability Company (LLC). Under the law a limited liability company must have one or more local partners (shareholders) who must be a UAE national or a UAE company. The local partners are required to possess a minimum of 51% shareholding in the LLC.